search engine help ReadyPlanet Search Engine Help Terms (words), the search is divided into two types. Searching with a word (Single Terms) is to search with a word as exsample to find a cake with a mixture of Strawberry only.Strawberry The search pattern is as Strawberry.
Search phrases (Phrases) is to find a mix of the two or more words to get results that meet the requirements as example search for a cake Strawberry mixture with Vanilla only. The search pattern is as "Strawberry Vanilla".
Boolean Operators are symbols that enhance the efficiency of search includes "AND", "+", "OR", "NOT" and "-".
Using OR to link with search for expand the meaning as example The "Strawberry Cake" OR "Vanilla Cake", it's mean want to search for Strawberry Cake and Vanilla Cake or search for either. (You can find two types of "Strawberry Cake" OR Vanilla Cake or "Strawberry Cake" Vanilla Cake).
Using the AND keyword to limit the search to narrow down as exampl search for Chocolate Cake in Low Fat is formatted as follows: the "Chocolate Cake" AND "Low Fat" (can be two forms of "Chocolate Cake" AND "Low Fat". or + Chocolate Cake Low Fat).
Using NOT keywords to limit the scope to narrow down as exampl search for Chocolate Cake is a cake with a Vanilla is formatted as follows: "Chocolate Cake" NOT "Vanilla" (can be two forms of "Chocolate Cake" NOT "Vanilla" or ". Chocolate Cake "!" Vanilla ").
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